
How to Determine Bipolar Disorder Symptoms and How Is It Treated?

Bipolar is considered a disorder that can greatly affect an individual and their family. This particular illness causes unusual shifts in the person's brain causing the the person affected to experience severe mood changes. Generally, it is characterized by depressive episodes and accompanied by a manic episode.

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depressive illness.These days it is called bipolar because of the two extreme poles that make up the condition. Bipolar disorder affects feelings, thoughts, behavior, and perceptions. Experts say that it is brought about by the chemical and electrical elements found in the brain that are not functioning properly.

What are Episodes?

The episodes are divided into four types: depression, mania, hypomania, and mixed mood.  When a person feels depressed, he or she feels sad and don’t want to do the usual things. Those that exhibit mania usually become angry and irritable. The milder form is known as hypomania which can lead to either depression or mania. Others who have episodes with feelings of depression and mania mixed together is called mixed mood.

Bipolar Symptoms

Symptoms are divided into depression and mania. Depression symptoms include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, and guilt. These individuals sleep too much or too little and experience changes in appetite or weight. They always feel tired, restless, and can't make a sound decision. The worst case is when the person thinks about suicide and death. Here are some specific signs and symptoms that a person with bipolar disorder shows:

•    Excessively happy or euphoric mood
•    Increased energy, and restlessness
•    Quickly distracted
•    Racing thoughts and lack of focus
•    Little sleep needed
•    Spending sprees
•    Poor judgment
•    Unrealistic beliefs in their abilities
•    Increased sexual drive
•    Drug abuse, such as cocaine, sleeping medications, and alcohol abuse
•    Aggressive behavior
•    Denial that anything is wrong

Bipolar Treatment - Medication and Therapy

With the right treatment and care bipolar symptoms can be managed. It can be can be treated with medication and psychiatric therapy.The following

Omega 3

There are many researches showing that omega 3 found in fish oils and in certain fishes are excellent for bipolar patients, as well as those having mental illnesses. There was a significant research done in 30 bipolar patients for four months. It was a placebo-controlled and double-blind study. It aims to compare omega 3's efficacy versus olive oil or placebo for the treatment of bipolar disorder.

According to researchers, bipolar disorder is a neuropsychiatic illness that has a high mortality and morbidity. In their preliminary study, it was proven that omega 3 performed better and resulted to longer remissions based on the four scales of symptom-severity. Further studies are still underway, and researchers are hoping that they can come up with new classes of psychotropic compounds that can be used as mood stabilizers.

Herbal Remedies

Most people resolve to the use of herbal supplements instead of taking prescribed drug medications. But not all herbs are good for the treatment of bipolar disorder. In fact, there are certain herbs that can worsen the condition of a bipolar patient. Some herbal supplements actually have a harmful reaction when used together with certain drugs so you will want to consult your doctor before taking any herbal medication in conjunction with other drugs.

Nutritional Diet

You have to adjust your diet, and this means checking your meal menus everyday. The nutrients which the body receives are very important. Holistic physicians use b-complex, magnesium, and thiamin for episodes of depression.

Counseling and Therapy

If you're suffering from bipolar disorder, you can also talk to your pastor, priest, or rabbi instead of talking to therapists. The religious community may be of great help during these times. In fact, the community is now recognizing the role of spirituality and prayers. In can even be included in psychotherapies and medication.

Other therapies such as dance, art and exercise are also of value in treating bipolar extremes. Music can also help calm people and help them to relax.

Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicines or the culturally based ones like shiatsu, reiki, acupuncture, yoga, Ayurveda, talking circles, and sweat lodge are only typical examples. All these healing arts are based on balancing the states of the physical, spiritual, and emotional for the wellness of an individual. If the forces in your body are imbalanced, you will likely get an illness.