
Recognize Different Types of Bipolar to Receive the Correct Treatment

One of the toughest parts of proper bipolar treatment is actually determining the correct diagnosis. One of the largest reasons for this is the fact that there are several types of bipolar disorder. Also the characteristics of the episodes are so diverse from patient to patient that it could take a long time to determine an actual pattern in which to base a diagnosis on.

The different types of bipolar are characterized by the patterns in the frequency, length, and severity of episodes of depression and/or mania. Determining which type of the illness is present is necessary to accurately prescribe medication for treatment.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar I 

This form of bipolar disorder is the most severe of all the types. It is characterized by having at least one episode of both mania and depression with each lasting more than a week with little to no break in symptoms. The most extreme cases of mania are found in bipolar I disorder.

Bipolar II 

Unlike Bipolar I, this type of the illness consists of milder episodes of mania, known as hypomania, along with depression. The mania involved here is so mild that it is often overlooked as a problem, and could go unrecognized for quite some time. Long periods of no symptoms often occurs in this form of bipolar disorder.

Rapid Cycling Bipolar 

This is made up of at least 4 mood episodes in a single year. It is not uncommon for patients with rapid cycling to experience these mood shifts as frequently as weeks or even days. Rapid cycling most commonly develops over time and can occur even after diagnosed with another type of bipolar disorder.

Cyclothimic Disorder

This disorder is characterized by extremely mild episodes of both mania and depression. It is possible for this condition to worsen over time.

Mixed Bipolar Disorder

Mixed Bipolar is determined by experiences of both mania and depression occurring at the same time. A patient with this form would have upshifts in mood and energy with depressive thoughts present, or vice versa. This has a potential to be very dangerous for suffers, as being pulled in both directions at once is such a physical and mental strain, moreso than other forms of bipolar disorder.

Uncatagorized Bipolar Disorder

Uncatagorized is for bipolar suffers whose mood shifts fall into no pattern identifiable with other types of bipolar. This makes bipolar treatment difficult because with most forms you develop a pattern and you tend to become aware of whats coming, but with uncatagorized you are constantly guessing.

Understanding and recognizing the different types of this disorder helps tremendously with bipolar treatment.
Bipolar Disorder is a lifelong illness, but it does not have to be a struggle. To learn more about bipolar treatment from someone with over 10 years of first-hand experience, please visit http://www.mybipolartreatmentblog.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charlie_Kelley

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