
How to Manage and Reduce Manic and Depressive Bipolar Episodes

The following are some ways that may help you to reduce manic and depressive episodes. To what extent these self-care activities help, I do not know, but one thing is for sure if you do nothing then nothing changes.

Keeping yourself on a daily schedule is vital. It is important to eat 3 meals a day or eat small amounts throughout the day. Eating one meal later on in the day has been said to make your BP harder to treat. This new eating schedule will also assist you with weight loss that many face when taking medications.

It is imperative that you stay on a schedule regarding your sleep too. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time. Lack of sleep can trigger mania. Many people with the BP have difficulty leaving an enjoyable project due to having the BP to go to bed and get the rest we need. We need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, depending upon how much your body needs.

Keeping a mood chart daily can be valuable by helping you and your Dr. determine which medications are helping, etc. Also, it is important for you to keep one so that you can learn to identify your triggers. Is it stress or something else? Take a new diary and write in it every day and take it with you every time you visit the Doctor and show it to him.

Managing your stress is extremely important as stress can easily trigger an episode. Learn what works to reduce your stress. This could include: exercise, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, soft music, etc, try and remove yourself from all stressful situations when possible. Long walks first thing in the morning is the best medicine to help clear your head and set you up for the day.

Exercise helps to reduce depression, especially aerobics, and also helps to rid you of manic extra energy. If you are just starting out and not in good shape, be sure and see your Dr. before you begin your exercise routine. In regards to aerobic exercise, people have experienced a great deal of difference in their moods, their stability, outlook on life, plus energy level and they sleep better as well. You will come to realize that aerobic exercise has been rated very high as an effective treatment for bipolar disorder.

Try and avoid Caffeine, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs, Smoking, Toxic People and/or Negative People, Stress and Antihistamines at all times. Vitamins and Herbs are not recommended in lieu of medication for Bipolar.

Bipolar disorder is a medical disorder requiring a lifetime of medication. Many people literally gamble with their lives by thinking that vitamins, herbs and nutritional supplements can be taken instead of medication. This attitude opens one up to episodes of mania and depression.

Your diet should contain lean protein such as chicken, lean red meat, turkey and complex carbohydrates, which will come from vegetables, fruits and some grains. Avoid sugar and saturated fat, and avoid alcohol, dairy products, caffeine, carbonated beverages, food colourings, flavourings, preservatives and other additives.

Food allergies can aggravate mood swings so if you feel a mood change then turn the lights down, no loud sounds. Remove yourself from a stressful situation. Take any medication your Dr. recommends. Call Dr. if needed. Slow deep breathing. Close your eyes and do some guided imagery. Imagine yourself in a safe, beautiful place where you are completely relaxed.
65 yo, live in Townsville North Queensland Au. have 3 children and 6 Grandchildren. Hobbies are Golf, Fishing, Photography and Health and Wellness.

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Recognize Different Types of Bipolar to Receive the Correct Treatment

One of the toughest parts of proper bipolar treatment is actually determining the correct diagnosis. One of the largest reasons for this is the fact that there are several types of bipolar disorder. Also the characteristics of the episodes are so diverse from patient to patient that it could take a long time to determine an actual pattern in which to base a diagnosis on.

The different types of bipolar are characterized by the patterns in the frequency, length, and severity of episodes of depression and/or mania. Determining which type of the illness is present is necessary to accurately prescribe medication for treatment.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar I 

This form of bipolar disorder is the most severe of all the types. It is characterized by having at least one episode of both mania and depression with each lasting more than a week with little to no break in symptoms. The most extreme cases of mania are found in bipolar I disorder.

Bipolar II 

Unlike Bipolar I, this type of the illness consists of milder episodes of mania, known as hypomania, along with depression. The mania involved here is so mild that it is often overlooked as a problem, and could go unrecognized for quite some time. Long periods of no symptoms often occurs in this form of bipolar disorder.

Rapid Cycling Bipolar 

This is made up of at least 4 mood episodes in a single year. It is not uncommon for patients with rapid cycling to experience these mood shifts as frequently as weeks or even days. Rapid cycling most commonly develops over time and can occur even after diagnosed with another type of bipolar disorder.

Cyclothimic Disorder

This disorder is characterized by extremely mild episodes of both mania and depression. It is possible for this condition to worsen over time.

Mixed Bipolar Disorder

Mixed Bipolar is determined by experiences of both mania and depression occurring at the same time. A patient with this form would have upshifts in mood and energy with depressive thoughts present, or vice versa. This has a potential to be very dangerous for suffers, as being pulled in both directions at once is such a physical and mental strain, moreso than other forms of bipolar disorder.

Uncatagorized Bipolar Disorder

Uncatagorized is for bipolar suffers whose mood shifts fall into no pattern identifiable with other types of bipolar. This makes bipolar treatment difficult because with most forms you develop a pattern and you tend to become aware of whats coming, but with uncatagorized you are constantly guessing.

Understanding and recognizing the different types of this disorder helps tremendously with bipolar treatment.
Bipolar Disorder is a lifelong illness, but it does not have to be a struggle. To learn more about bipolar treatment from someone with over 10 years of first-hand experience, please visit

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